Thursday, May 27, 2010


  • Knocks frantically on the oncall room door at 7 o’clock in the morning when you are getting ready for work. The knocking becomes louder & louder, & when you finally open the door, your colleague says to you, “Oh, ingat you masih tidur lagi.” (Reason for knocking on the door: need to use the toilet)
  • Comes to your ward holding a piece of A4 size paper, when you are doing rounds/ procedure/ resuscitating patient. The colleague watches you as you are doing your work & then when you are finally done, he/ she passes you the piece of paper (borang cuti) for you to sign.
  • Leaves undergarment on the oncall room sofa. You cover the item with some old newspaper but can’t sleep very well in the night as you keep having the image in your mind.
  • Calls you at 10 o'clock at night using hospital phone (so that you would pick up) & asks you to cover him/ her the following day as he/ she needs to go to the bank. (Reason: kad ATM patah)

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