Sunday, November 9, 2008


  • Periorbital oedema (from lack of sleep)
  • Acne vulgaris (due to lack of sleep & emotional stress)
  • Low back pain (from doing CPR)
  • Abrasion wound (sustained while climbing onto patient’s bed to do CPR)
  • Athralgia, myalgia (from physical stress & hospital acquired organisms)
  • Altered sensorium & hallucinations (from lack of sleep/ rest)
  • Epigastric pain & heartburn (lack of food)
  • Xerostomia, angular stomatitis & dysphagia (lack of fluid)
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) – from running over a cat & killing it instantly on the way to work, in front of the Emergency Department


LEE JUN said...

HAHAHAAH! I nearly died laughing reading this, especially the part about running over poor helpless kitties.

Other oncall signs and symptoms

Panda eyes- from lack of sleep

Aging/crows feet-from lack of sleep

kaybee_dino said...

the signs & symptoms r endless, not found in any medical textbook

iml said...

The hazard of being On Call.

kaybee_dino said...

iml, r u also exposed to such hazards?